40grid eliminates tedious administration; optimizes technician assignments, schedules, and routes; and mines data to improve processes. Teams get more done to grow revenue and profits while you find time for life beyond work.
40grid helps you generate more revenue without additional administrators or supervisors. 40grid takes care of administrative tasks, simplifies processes and makes operations more efficient. Your team will have more time — techs will do more fee-generating work and your administrators will pay more attention to your customers.
40grid software is just plain smarter than the competition, so you can slash fuel costs, cut down on fleet wear and tear, and turn windshield-time into billable time. 40grid’s always at work — optimizing technician schedules and routes (in real time) and updating them when new jobs pop-up or things change.
Give dispatchers, field supervisors and technicians fast access to important information. In 40grid, they can subscribe to messaging channels dedicated to specific customers and properties. Your office staff will spend far less time supporting techs and more time providing great customer service.
Configure bills, payment plans, and service reports to fit each customer’s needs. 40grid lets you meet the needs of even your biggest, most demanding customers — it gives them tailored information that makes their lives easier and keeps them loyal to you.